Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Instant Noodle Ant Farm

Boy am I good. I have been raising ants in yet another ant farm and I didn't even know it! For the past few mornings I've noticed a stream of tiny slow moving ants coming out to drink water from a mug I leave on a kitchen table. By eveningtime the ants are gone, only to appear again in the morning.

One morning, I followed the ants away from the mug to an unopened instant noodle container. Lo and behold, the ants had found their way through the plastic wrapper and made a little hole through the paper container. It looks like they are living in the instant noodle cup. I'm sure they are pretty happy living among a ton of food. Instant noodles are pretty salty. No wonder why they always come out to get a drink in the morning.

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